Old Asset Downloading Instructions

We’ve been having some technical difficulties in regard to people attempting to download their old assets from our legacy site.

Due to these difficulties, we have decided to extend the deadline for downloading assets by another week.

If you haven’t been able to reset your password on the legacy site, know that we are working on the issue and will update everyone as soon as it’s working.

If you are able to access your account on https://legacy.mightydeals.com/, here are the instructions for downloading your old assets:

  1. Locate the deal(s) you want to download in your account.
  2. In the “download/code” column next to the deal(s), you’ll see a link that reads, “Get products”.
  3. Click on this link. This will open your order information page, which will contain your download link(s).

For any other questions, please send us a message at [email protected].

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