We have thousands of different products available for graphic designers here at Mighty Deals.
Our goal is to find the best design assets, be they fonts, textures, brushes, or any graphics you might need.
Then, we negotiate a monster deal with the vendor, so you designers and business owners can get a great deal.
A “Mighty” deal even.
We’re talking about bundles that might cost hundreds of dollars, available for prices as low as twenty bucks.
To make it even better, we often run flash sales giving you even more discounts, or Buy One Get One deals.
This is a bit of a problem though, because when we have hundreds of pages of deals, and a short timeframe to purchase them, it can get overwhelming.
You might not need anything at that particular time, so you don’t get to take advantage of the discount.
This makes us sad.
Which is why we are now launching a credit system.
You get the idea. You can purchase credits, which never expire, and then whenever you need something, just pick out a deal at your leisure.
Find a deal, add it to your cart, and just use credits instead of card or paypal to checkout.
And to celebrate the launch of our credit system, we’re doing a Buy One Get One Deal on credits.
Buy $25 worth and get $50. Buy $250, get $500.
The savings are insane, and we’ve already had a bunch of people taking us up on the offer.
We aren’t doing this BOGO deal forever though. It’s not sustainable.
So if you want to take us up on the offer before it expires, you need to do the following.
Click the link below, go to our checkout page, and decide how many credits you want.
Use paypal or credit card to checkout, and voila. You’re done.
The credits will show up in your mightydeals account within 24-48 hours.
Just make sure to checkout with the same email you use at Mightydeals (or we can create a new account for you).
Alright here’s the link, go now.
Get Some Credits